
Board work during a pandemic

Even though the AEMI board cannot gather physically due to covid19, our work continues – even if it happens from the safety of our own homes. Without the pleasure of being able to meet in person we practice patience and look to other ways of staying in contact; online solutions such as Zoom, e-mails and phone calls. These are strange and demanding times for sure.

These days the initial preparations for next year’s AEMI conference are taking place. Soon a theme for next year’s conference will be decided on and a call for papers will be sent out.

These pictures, however, show a more lighthearted side on what goes on when the board unites online. Here you can see the AEMI Chairman, Cathrine Kyø Hermansen and treasurer Emilia García López watch as secretary, Dietmar Osses shows a wide range of masks that he has accumulated during the covid19 pandemic. He has quite an impressive collection!

The board sends warm wishes of health and happiness to all AEMI members, and we hope to see you at the 2021 AEMI conference in San Sebastián next year!

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