
New installation by Shelley Etkin at Muzeum Emigracji w Gdynis


A nest is a temporary dwelling formed by its environment, a container that is porous to the place where it nests for resting and dreaming across the generations.

A seed is a living time capsule of pasts, presents, and futures from the dynamic field of the land. Holding their intelligent memory of how to grow, seeds travel along with other migratory beings while adapting to the conditions of life each time they are landing, again and again.

Experiences of migration navigate questions of subversion and resilience, agency and vulnerability, ancestries and descendants. The lifecycle of most plants begin from the potential of a seed and return to the seed as an offering for the next season. Dreams too are shaped by the lived experiences of the dreamer while unfolding in unknown ways and reshaping themselves continually.

How can we listen into these spaces of conversations with realities on the ground through nesting, dreaming, and seeding?

Enter the nest, sit or lay down with the headphones on. Make yourself comfortable and choose your preferred language. This guided journey allows you to experience your relationship with land(s) through embodied imagination. Afterwards, you can explore the seeds placed in the center of the nest. These reflect the (bio)diversity of plants significant to local and migratory communities in Gdynia. You are welcome to take some seeds with you, stewarding their growth and participating in their circulation. You are also welcome to contribute a note with stories of the seeds, from your relations with these plants.

Nest design and construction: Yoav Admoni

Nest textile collaboration: Layla Klinger

Botany Consultation: Sławomir Nowak PhD, University of Gdańsk, and local communities of migration backgrounds

Audio facilitation: Shelley Etkin, Anna Nowicka, Inna Datsiuk

Audio design: Ilona Marti

The nest was originally created with the support of Theater o.N./FRATZ Festival and the following cooperation partners: Franziskaner Klosterkirche (Department of Art and Culture, Bezirksamt Mitte von Berlin), Adventure Bauspielplatz Kolle 37, Ponderosa e.V., Gemeinschaftsunterkunft Straßburger Straße (Hero Zukunft GmbH), Curatorial Collective for Public Art.

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