
‘Junctures of change’ in the integration of young refugees

The Junctures Project is made up an interdisciplinary team of researchers from the Department of Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg University, and the Danish Research for Migration, Ethnicity and Health, University of Copenhagen.

The Junctures Project is looking to develop our understanding of migration and integration processes, by consulting refugee youth about their own experiences and exploring how changes in policy, practice, and sociopolitical context shape geographical, biological, cultural, emotional and social transitions into Danish society. More specifically, the project sets out to identify and investigate the ‘junctures of change’ – events, social relations, possibilities or circumstances that arise or dissolve at specific formative moments in time and space of direction-taking or re-orientation – that influence the life trajectories of young refugees as they transition into Danish society.

The project runs from 2018-2022 and is funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark. The results of the project will be presented on a seminar at Migration Museum of Denmark on 22 February 2023.

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