AEMI Journals

AEMI Journal 2020. Call for contributions

Dear AEMI members, conference speakers and contributors,

we are kindly inviting you to submit your contributions for the upcoming double issue of AEMI Journal that will be published in September 2020. We especially invite the speakers and contributors of the 28th AEMI Conference in Gdynia and the 29th AEMI Conference in Antwerp to submit their presented papers. The aim of the first conference was to launch a debate on the contemporary challenges of migration, whereas the focus of the second were dialogues between memory, heritage and migration. Contributions can present both group and individual cases that represent general issues. Suggested topics should offer historical, sociological, legal, politological and anthropological approaches to the issues. Please follow the instructions for authors and send the articles in electronic form to the e-mail address stated below. Articles will be reviewed.

The deadline for submitting the contributions is the 15th of December 2019 by midnight.

Full instructions for authors are available at:

The template for an article is available at:

Submissions should be sent to the following e-mail address:

Kind regards from the editors,

Maja Gostič

Špela Kastelic

  1. Klara Kožar Rosulnik
  2. Kristina Toplak

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