Selected papers
from the 26th AEMI Conference in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2016
European Migrant Diasporas and Cultural Identities
and from the 27th AEMI Conference in Husum, Germany, 2017
‘At Home or Alienated’ – Migrants and Receiving Countries between Integration and Parallel Society, between ‘Culture of Welcome’ and Xenophobia
María Fouz Moreno, Galician Music, Emigration and Otherness: the Presence of Galicia in the Musical Production of Argentinian Composers of the Mid-twentieth Century
María González Blanco and Vincente Pena Saavedra, New Migrations from Galicia to Germany: Educational Profiles and Social Networks
Raphael Tsavkko Garcia, Historical Background of the Basque Diaspora in Latin America: Integration and Tensions
Sara Ingrosso, Italian Newcomers to Germany and Cultural Identity
Programme of the 27th AEMI Conference in Husum, North Frisia, Germany
Welcome Speeches, Uwe Haupenthal, Paul-Heinz Pauseback, Daniel Güther, Dieter Harrsen, Uwe Schmitz
Benan Oregi Iñurrieta, A Home or a Country? What did Basque Emigrants Leave Behind?
Vinzenz Kratzer, History of State Migration Research in Germany
Špela Kastelic, Social Impact of Migration Studies: e Case of Slovenian Migration Institute
Imanol Galdos Irazabal, Boise: A Model of a Welcoming City
Christina A. Ziegler-McPherson, Cautionary Lessons from the Americanization Movement of the Early 20th Century